High in Vitamins, Fiber and Antioxidants
Cannabis is high in fiber which is great for digestive health as well as lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. It’s antioxidants protect the cells from free radicals which play a role in cell damage, heart disease and certain cancers. Not to mention, cannabis is also high in vitamins and minerals such as:
Vitamin K (Needed for blood clotting)
Vitamin C (needed for immune systems)
Iron (needed for blood oxygenation)
Calcium (needed for bones)
Folate (needed for DNA repair)
An Alternative to Smoking
I enjoy smoking as much as anyone else but, I’ll have to admit that it isn’t necessarily good for your respiratory system. Consuming food with cannabis doesn’t present those issues because of how it is metabolized within the liver. If consumed raw, there is no psychoactive effects. The THC found in cannabis will only get you high if the plant is aged and heated, which is called decarboxylation. Consuming it this way creates an intense, longer lasting body high. Careful though—consuming too much, too quickly may cause adverse effects such as anxiety or nausea.
Helps Fight Cancer
Per the National Cancer Institute, cannabis not only helps relieve symptoms related to cancer treatment, but it has been shown that it can help isolate, shrink and even eliminate cancer cells. Rather than smoking it, cancer patients would consume a concentrated cannabis oil which can be added to foods and beverages.