Because as we’ve been taught, a little goes a long way. The holidays are typically busy for us all and you may not have time nor the desire to be stoned all day. With microdosing, you can use very small amounts of cannabis in order to benefit from its psychological action while minimizing unwanted side effects.
The most common way to Micro-dose is orally. This could be done with spays, tablets/capsules, gummies and tinctures. Dosing orally can be a little tricky because the THC goes to your digestive system, changing it from Delta-9 THC to 11-Hydroxy THC once metabolized in your liver. The effects can be very powerful and last longer in your system.
Because the goal is to receive more of a therapeutic value, you’ll want to consume the least amount of cannabis as possible.
This is 3mg or less per dose every 6-8 hours. The benefits of micro-dosing are seen in stress relief, pain management and even creativity.
Unsure of where to get your edibles? These Houston local brands make everything from baked treats, meals, gummies, water solubles and so much more and are definitely worth getting to know. Make sure to follow them on Instagram.